Welcome to Hansen Electric
Complete electrical solution
for underground mining
About our company
Hansen Electric, spol. s.r.o. is an advanced company with modern technology and high know-how to ensure the development, construction, production, installation and servicing of electrical equipment intended for explosive environments.
In addition to production, the company also offers service and general repairs of powerful electric motors and generators.
The company provides full-scale production, from the production of machine parts, including explosion-proof closures, to the assembly of electrical elements and components, both low-current and high-current. It uses current top technology for production. To ensure large-scale production, it cooperates with many companies at home and abroad.
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About our company
Hansen Electric, spol. s.r.o. is an advanced company with modern technology and high know-how to ensure the development, construction, production, installation and servicing of electrical equipment intended for explosive environments.
In addition to production, the company also offers service and general repairs of powerful electric motors and generators.
The company provides full-scale production, from the production of machine parts, including explosion-proof closures, to the assembly of electrical elements and components, both low-current and high-current. It uses current top technology for production. To ensure large-scale production, it cooperates with many companies at home and abroad.
Where to find us
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Projekt "Vzdělávání zaměstnanců Hansen Electric“, reg. č. CZ.03.01.03/00/23_047/0002698" je spolufinancován Evropskou unií
Cílem projektu je zvýšit prostřednictvím realizace profesního vzdělávání úroveň kompetencí pracovníků, která splní stávající potřeby zaměstnavatele – společnosti Hansen Electric a požadavky měnícího se trhu práce. To napomůže ke zlepšení konkurenceschopnosti společnosti Hansen Electric na trhu. Projekt je spolufinancován z Operačního programu Zaměstnanost plus.